Breviarium Meum App Recensioni

la prima app sul breviario antico

Facile e intiuitiva da usare. Molto veloce il download dei testi che permettono di avere il breviario per una intera settimana. Speriamo di avere presto a fronte il testo in traduzione italiana. Ringraziamo i francescani dellImmacolata per questa utilissima App.

Ottima applicazione

Ottima applicazione che ci aiuta a pregare anche quando si e in viaggio!

Novità e Semplicità

Prima app per la recita in latino. finalmente!!! All esclusività si aggiunge semplicità dellinterfaccia e velocità. Consigliata assolutamente!!

Cest genial !

Complimenti! È uno strumento che mancava ai chierici tecnologici e viaggiatori.

La aspettavamo

Da quando ibreviary non viene + aggiornato x il vetus ordo ho scoperto questa app fantastica. Peccato non possa dare + di 5 stelle, tutte meritatissime!!


Ottima, peccato solo che dopo mezzanotte non si riesca più a recuperare il giorno precedente e così diventa impossibile la recita di compieta

Davvero ottima

Meglio che con il Breviario cartaceo, si trovano tutte le ore come vanno recitate, le commemorazioni aggiuntive. Un plus ai testi del martirologio in ora prima, non sempre facili da reperire. Due proposte: lasciate le ore di una giornata fino al giorno successivo così che siano disponibili anche dopo mezzanotte; a quando il Missale Romanum? Attenzione ai refusi!


Ottima applicazione. Si attende con ansia la versione per IPad. Si suggerisce daccordo con gli altri di lasciare la compieta anche dopo la mezzanotte (beato chi riesce a recitarla sempre prima...) ed anche, se fosse possibile, laggiunta di qualche comune (per feste tipo di patroni non presenti nel calendario generale) e magari di alcune preghiere dellOrdo Commendationis animae. Complimenti! Ave Maria!


Splendida applicazione sempre aggiornata, auspico quanto prima una traduzione a fronte italiana per la quale non ci sarebbe prezzo. Consigliatissima.

Fantastica applicazione

Bellissima, pratica, ben fatta! Posso recitare il breviario con discrezione ovunque. Il Signore renda merito ai Francescani dellImmacolata per limmane lavoro che vi hanno dedicato e dedicano tuttora.


Grazie mille! Funziona veramente bene.


Splendido, ma Improvvisamente, non mi scarica più le ore, si apre solo lo sfondo pergamenato

Testo a fronte

Aspettiamo con ansia la traduzione italiana dei testi ; )


Ma io dico, quando vi degnate di aggiornare?


i’m not getting any younger and, although i do have an iPhone, it’s not so easy to read off of. I would love to put this app to use on my iPad. i wish there was an iPad version.

Love it!! Better than all others

This Liturgy of the Hours has both English and Latin side by side to see the beautiful poetic prayers of old in their treasured original state. The prayers are the original prayers (unchanged, and unedited). This has really helped me to fall in love with liturgy of the hours due to the poetic and eloquent language used for the prayers, antiphones, and scripture passages.

Put the Little Office on here!

This is an excellent app, and the texts are very smooth and easy to use, but I wish the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Officium Parvum Beatæ Mariæ Virginis) was on this app, considering it is available on

Great resource

Been using the website and phone app for ages to compare versions and pray during Lent. Can't wait to see the next update with formatting for iPad screens.

Exactly what I needed.

Exactly what I needed. Add more prayers to the Index!!! Also, I wish there were an Android version.

Officium defunctorum

Awesome app. One small thing: wish they had the officium defunctorum (office of the dead) among the prayers.

Very good app

This app is excellent. The only constructive comment I can make is that it include the little office of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Thank you very much and God bless.

Almost there.....

I like this application very much. I was close to giving it five stars, but there are a few tweaks that ought to be made, I think, and I sincerely hope that the developers take my suggestions. First: add blank likes to the end of each hour. The last line is hidden by the menu on iOS and, though the last line is not necessary to see, it does make for a small distraction. Second: add markers that tell if an hour is complete or not. This would help the user to easily see where he is in his progress. The markers should be activated either manually in the list of hours, or automatically, after the user has scrolled through all the text of the hour. Lastly: having the ability to automatically download several weeks of the office at a time would be great. But overall it is a great app and one that I do not at all regret downloading.


The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate are really taking the New Evangelization seriously with this wonderful app. One improvement I’d suggest: optional alarms for alerting you that it’s time pray.


This is an excellent app and the most useful for learning the Old Office. Even if you have books, this is a useful tool for beginners to check that their ribbons are placed correctly. I once thought there was error and contacted the developer who was quick to respond. May God bless those who maintain this app!

Where’s the “iPad Version”???

The app description says that this is the iPad version of the app, but it’s not. It’s the iPhone version and your iPad has to scale it to size. I bought this *specifically* because it says it’s for the iPad.

Great app

Just downloaded it recently and love it. I use two apps for my LOTH one is audio and then this one I read meditatively. This one is great as it allows the side by side of the Roman translation with the English. Gives you a few choices on the Rubrics and the 1960 one meets the obligation of the clerics and religious to pray the office ( cf. Summorum Pontificum 9 & 2) I highly recommend this.


Thank you for creating this app. It's really wonderful.

Wonderful App

This app is a nearly perfect way to always have your traditional breviary with you always. I usually use the iPad version but both are excellent. You encounter the rare typo in the English translations but it is no problem.

Geo Gratias!

Awesome app. Works great.


Just excellent! What more is there to say?

Great little app!

What an amazing little app! And it's free! I just made a donation to them, and I really hope this app will be updated frequently (the iPad version would be a great plus). May God help these good friars in the restoration of the usus antiquior!

A must for all Catholics

In light of Pope Benedict's recent statement that EVERYONE should be praying the Liturgy of the Hours, this is a must have app. Thank you for your work & offering it for free.

Thank you!

Many blessings to you for providing this wonderful app!

Perfect app

I love praying the 1960 office, and without the tangible breviary or internet connection, it is almost impossible. The Friars of the Immaculate have done a great job here. Worth many dollars! Pax et bonum! Ave Maria!


Great app. Could you add an English only option for us laity?


Make this for iPad please!


God bless the developers of this app. It is one of the best I have ever found. One suggestion: Would it be possible to include commemorations of feast days occurring on Sundays? Many, many thanks!

App Size

I like this app; but why doesn't the view fill the whole screen of my iPad? It's a little window on the screen. Contrast with the iBreviary app. Quite by accident I discovered a small icon on the lower right that enlarges the page. Another question: in the settings link what is the "Dominus vobiscum" on/off button?

Thank you, Franciscan Friars!

May you be showered with grace for making this amazing resource available to the faithful. And free! No bugs at all so far. The only recommendation I have is to include a cheat sheet page of what time each office is traditionally prayed.

Great resource.


Making the Breviary Accessible

This is terrific. You can pray the entire 1962 Breviary in English and Latin. It is perfect for clerics and laity. This is in the finest tradition of online breviaries like Laszlo Dobszay's.

Deo gratias!

Thank you so much for making this app! May Jesus and Mary bless you and reward you forever!


Finally an app for the traditional rite divine office. Many thanks to the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate for producing this app. Deo Gratias.

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